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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

An Assessment of Ecotourism Potentials in Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region, Cameroon

Vol-2,Issue-3,May - June 2017

Author: Balgah Sounders N., Nfor Frederick

Keywords: Ecotourism, ecotourism potentials, Muanenguba Twin Lakes, challenges of ecotourism, Kupe Muanenguba Division.

Abstract: Kupe Muanenguba Division (KMD) can be termed as an ecotourism cornucopia because of her richness in floral and faunal biodiversity, juxtaposed with beautiful terrain and lakes as well as a wonderful cultural mix. The main objective of this study was to identify and assess the ecotourism potentials in the division so as to create awareness to nationals and foreign tourists on what this division is endowed with. Data for this study consisted of primary and secondary sources. Primary sources of data collection included on-the-spot observation, interviews and the use of camera. The Geographic Positioning System (GPS) was also used to map out the ecotourism potentials and tourism infrastructures in KMD. Secondary sources of data collected included literature from published and unpublished sources such as: text books, articles, journals, reports of research organizations and theses. Stratified and purposive sampling techniques were used in the administration of the questionnaires. Results revealed that KMD is endowed with rich ecotourism potentials that are still lying unharnessed meanwhile others are not even known to all and sundry. The study has recommended amongst others that the Cameroon government should involve the indigenous people (by employing them and taking their own opinions into account) in the protection and conservation of the natural resources and involve them in all ecotourism activities.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.24001/ijels.2.3.8

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